The "Mare Nostrum" is a series that takes place every year in Europe.
Over 2 weeks we take part in 3 meets - Monaco, Barcelona and Canet... All on the south coast of Europe, can't complain!
The first pic is of me racing the 50 freestyle "Monaco" 50.
This is the only meet which does elimination 50's which makes it very hard to win. It has 5 heats, halving the competitors every round until there are only 2 swimmers facing off in the final round! I made it to the final 4. The last few weeks of hard training had taken its toll and I was and still am feeling quite fatigued! But it will be good for the long run!
I didnt race too well in the 100 Freetyle either... With 4 more meets to go it seems like I have a long way to go! But I am hoping ot improve with each meet!

This is a photo of the famous Casino in James Bond movie Casino Royal!
You should see the amount of money floating around this place. Ferarri's, Porches and Rolls Royces everywhere!
You arent' allowed in the Casino unless you are very dressed up, black shoes, collared shirt the works!

Finally the view from my balcony at the hotel. The whole of Monaco is basically built on the ocean and is full of Marina's.
To say that the boats in the Marinas are big is an understatement, these things are huge!!!
There is so much money floating around out there it is rediculous.
So jealous!
Next meet Barcelona!
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